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Injured? Our Bronx Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help

Every day, you get out of bed and put your best foot forward. The last thing you expect is to end up in the hospital because of a car crash, fall at work, or a physician’s negligence. Yet, these incidents happen every day. Other people’s carelessness, recklessness, and intentional misconduct can cause you harm. This puts you in the difficult position of having to physically and emotionally recover while pursuing fair compensation in court or through the insurance claim process.

At Hecht, Kleeger & Damashek, P.C., we are here to handle all the communication with the insurance company, litigate your personal injury claim, and strive to win you full and fair compensation for your injuries. To talk with us about how we can help you, submit your information through our online contact form or call 212-490-5700 to schedule a free confidential consultation.

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Personal Injury Cases Our Bronx Injury Attorneys Handle

  • Bronx Construction Accidents: New York is a city constantly under construction. When health and safety standards are not met, workers are put at risk. If you were injured on a construction site in the Bronx, call a Bronx personal injury attorney to discuss your right to compensation through workers’ compensation insurance or third-party liability.
  • Bronx Car Accidents: Our personal injury lawyers for Bronx, NY handle claims arising from all types of car accidents. If you believe another motorist caused the crash and your injuries, do not hesitate to call us to discuss your right to pursue compensation.
  • Bronx Work Injuries: Regardless of your occupation, workers in the Bronx can encounter all kinds of hazards. If you or a loved one were injured on the job, let HKD review the circumstances, help identify who’s to blame, and the best way to get the compensation you need.
  • Bronx Truck Accidents: In addition to other personal vehicles, you share the road with commercial trucks every day. These commercial vehicles include semi-trucks, 18-wheelers, tankers, flatbeds, moving and delivery trucks, garbage trucks, dump trucks, cement trucks, and many more. Many of these trucks have to abide by federal regulations. To determine if the truck was violating a federal regulation or was negligent in some other way, call us right away.
  • Other Vehicle Accidents: At Hecht, Kleeger & Damashek, P.C., we also accept claims arising from plane, boat, ferry, bus, MTA, taxi, Uber and Lyft, motorcycle, railroad, and bicycle accidents. Whatever type of incident led to your injuries, you should call a Bronx injury attorney when you believe another person or business is at fault.
  • Bronx Pedestrian Accidents: If you or a loved one were struck by a vehicle while walking to the subway, out for a run, or crossing the street, call us immediately. Whether you lived in or were visiting the Bronx, heading out on foot is common. Unfortunately, a negligent driver may cause you harm, and in this situation, you should work with an experienced attorney.
  • Bronx Premises Liability: Under New York law, property owners may be responsible for your safety when you are on their premises with permission. We handle claims arising due to negligent property owners, such as slip and falls, trip and falls, and drowning and other pool accidents.

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Compensation for Bronx Personal Injury Cases

When you are injured due to another person or business’s carelessness, recklessness, or intentional misconduct, then you may have the right to pursue compensation through a personal injury lawsuit. This compensation typically covers several “damages,” which is the legal term for compensable physical, psychological, and financial injuries.

More specifically, your compensation may encompass:

  • Past, Current, and Future Medical Expenses
  • Lost Wages and Benefits
  • Physical Pain and Suffering
  • Emotional Distress and Mental Anguish
  • Scarring and Disfigurement
  • Disability
  • Reduced Earning Potential
  • Reduced Quality of Life
  • Loss of Household Services

To learn more about the relevant damages in your situation, talk with a Bronx personal injury attorney as soon as you can.

Personal Injury Lawsuit Process in the Bronx

When you are interested in pursuing personal injury compensation after an incident, you should speak with a Bronx, NY personal injury lawyer. A lawsuit is never a simple, easy, or fast process. You should work with a lawyer who will prepare you for the many steps of personal injury litigation, the potential problems that may arise, and the ways your case may be resolved, such as through a pre-trial settlement or a court ruling.

An overview of the process of a personal injury lawsuit includes:

  • Determining if you have a valid claim. You must have evidence to show that the at-fault party, who will be named as the defendant, was negligent (careless), grossly negligent (reckless), or acted intentionally. A Bronx personal injury attorney will thoroughly investigate the incident in order to gather and analyze evidence regarding what happened and who is responsible. We will perform our due diligence to determine whether you have a valid claim before moving forward with filing a lawsuit. We will interview witnesses and take statements.
  • Determining the court with jurisdiction. Not all courts will have jurisdiction over your case. We will analyze which court is the most appropriate to hear your claim.
  • Filing the personal injury complaint. To begin a personal injury lawsuit, we will file a document known as the Summons and Complaint. This provides information regarding the parties, including who you believe is responsible, why you believe the defendant is responsible, your injuries, and the compensation you are demanding.
  • Serving the defendant. The defendant—or defendants—we name in the lawsuit must properly be served a copy of the complaint and they must file an Answer to the Complaint after hiring an attorney. That attorney is usually paid for by the defendant’s insurance carrier.
  • Participating in discovery. Before either side can fully prepare for trial, the case goes through discovery. This is the time in which the parties exchange information. We will gather as much evidence as we can through the use of depositions, interrogatories, and requests for documents.
  • Participating in settlement negotiations. During or after discovery or before trial, we may begin settlement negotiations or receive a settlement offer from the defendant, or more likely, the defendant’s insurance company. We will participate in settlement negotiations in an attempt to resolve your case with an appropriate sum without having to go to trial. The client is included in all settlement discussions.
  • Preparing for trial. If we are unable to resolve your personal injury claim through a settlement, then we will prepare for trial. Our Bronx personal injury lawyers are not afraid to go head-to-head with defendants and major insurance companies in court. We will prepare an aggressive strategy in the hopes of obtaining a court ruling in your favor and a significant amount from the jury.
  • Appealing a court ruling in the defendant’s favor. If the jury decides that the defendant is not responsible for your injuries, we will carefully review the trial record and your claim to determine if you can appeal the decision.
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New York Personal Injury Statute of Limitations

After you are injured in a situation created by another person’s carelessness, recklessness, or intentional conduct, you only have a certain period of time to file a lawsuit. This is known as the statute of limitations. If you file a lawsuit after the deadline, it will most likely be dismissed. For most personal injury claims in New York, you have three years from the date of incident to file a lawsuit.

However, all claims are different so you should immediately contact our attorneys to discuss the applicable statute of limitations. For cases against municipalities and New York State the statute of limitations is much shorter. There is also a requirement that prior to filing a lawsuit, a Notice of Claim be filed within 90 days of the accident.

Other types of cases, such as medical malpractice lawsuits, have different statutes of limitations. There also may be exceptions that fit your circumstances and give you a longer period of time to file. Because of these factors, it is important to talk with a Bronx personal injury attorney as soon as possible about your possible claim and your filing deadline.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which Hospitals Can I Get Treatment From After a Personal Injury or Car Accident in the Bronx?

Some of the hospitals that people can seek treatment from in the Bronx include NYC Health + Hospitals North Central Bronx, Calvary Hospital, BronxCare Health System, North Central Bronx Hospital, Lincoln Medical Center, Montefiore Medical Center, and St. Barnabas Hospital.

2. Who Should I Call After a Personal Injury or Car Accident in the Bronx?

Seek medical attention right away. You can call 911 for immediate assistance. Then, you should also immediately contact the New York City Police Department to complete an accident report. In the Bronx, you may be served by various precincts, including:

3. When Should I Contact a Bronx Personal Injury Attorney?

In New York you have three years from the date that you were injured to file a personal injury lawsuit. However, many things can impact this deadline. You should contact a lawyer as soon as possible so you can begin the process.

Contact Our Bronx Personal Injury Law Firm

When you or a loved one have been hurt because of someone else’s misconduct, it can suddenly feel like the world is pressing down on your shoulders. Because of all of the emotions you may be experiencing—anger, resentment, fear, stress—we recommend working with an experienced personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. This is not the time for you to be dealing with an insurer and trying to make legal decisions. Let us handle the insurance claim and litigation processes while you focus on getting better and spending time with your family.

To talk with us about how we will make your claim a priority and fight for your compensation, call Hecht, Kleeger & Damashek, P.C. at 212-490-5700 or schedule a free consultation through our online contact form.

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